Frequently asked questions

We are often asked for specific clarification on elements of our delivery and we’ve listed some answers of the most common questions we have been asked.
If you have any questions which haven’t been answered below please get in contact and let us know.


If you have a question you cant find the answer to, please use our Contact page
Yes, our trainers can travel to any location that works best for you in order to optimize the productivity of your staff. For in-turbine practical training we prefer to use YOUR turbines to make the learning experience as close to reality for your staff. *Note – We will keep our costs associated with travel as low as possible and these will be broken out and detailed separately in your quote as an aside to the core training costs

We can train in Danish, English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish and German but the specific turbine types we can train directly in each language is dependent on the specific trainer. Please clarify your language requirements when requesting turbine specific training and we will confirm if our trainers can speak the language of your staff.

Where we cannot directly deliver training in the language you require, we have extensive experience in successfully delivering classes with a range of different language translation services (including ‘live’ real-time translation)
*Note – The costs for external translation support, where deemed necessary, are not included in our standard training cost.

We need to be absolutely sure that your staff have the correct underlying competency to support attendance on our Troubleshooting class.

In our experience, technician time in the field is not always a good indicator of the underlying theoretical understanding required meet the learning outcomes of our Troubleshoot class.

We can assist with formal assessments to determine if your staff can go straight to our Troubleshooting class but typically, this is not possible and attendance at our Advanced Theory ‘Turbine’ class is required

We need to be absolutely sure that your staff have the correct underlying competency to support attendance on our Maintenance class. We can assist you with formal competency assessments to determine if this case but typically, participants will have had to attend our ‘Wind Turbine Technical Essentials’ or our ‘Turbine’ advanced theory classes before attending our Maintenance Class (this will also depend on whether it is our ‘Introductory’ or ‘Advanced’ Maintenance programme they need to attend)
Not necessarily, the specific turbine type you are interested in may have links to some of our existing program content e.g. our Vestas V80 2.0 Mk7 program that includes the models: V90 and V100 in 1.8 and 2.0 versions in VCS and VCUS versions, in Mk 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 versions for both 50 and 60 HZ. Even if we do not directly support the turbine type you are interested in via one of our pre-existing formal programs, it is likely we will be able to tailor a solution that addresses your key operational challenges. We are also continually expanding the range of turbine types we support so please make contact and we can discuss what we can do to support your needs.

Yes, we are continually developing and refining our Competency Assessment approach and we can support you with the assessment of staff at every stage of their development journey (from pre-employment to advanced technician with many years of field experience).

We adopt a combination of online theory based testing, video based verbal interviews and in-turbine practical assessments to ensure we establish a qualitative understanding of existing competency levels.

Our stated minimum lead-time for training delivery is 6 week´s from receipt of a formal Purchase order, however we understand pressures and uncertainties associated with operational environments and associated emergent needs so we will always aim to meet the timescales you require without compromising the quality of our delivery.

Yes, we have carefully developed training programs aimed at staff involved with general Operational Management and wider technical asset management as well programs so support staff involved with central Control Centre environments.
If you have specific development needs please make contact to discuss what we can do for you

We have developed a formal training evaluation approach that is modelled on the ‘Kirkpatrick’ model of evaluation and we believe in following-up the impact of our delivery several months after program completion.

We fundamentally believe that our programs will help support the performance optimization of your assets, but of equal importance is the benefits that collaborating with us can provide for you in terms of staff engagement and retention and ensuring that your staff can deliver their duties safely and sustainably

We can also work with you to develop specific ‘Return on Investment’ analysis if required

Let’s discuss your
specific needs
FAQ Enquiries

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If you are already aware of what you need then let us write a non-binding offer to you, that gives you an overview of the investment to get us to your wind farm to train your staff.
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